
Saving My Sore Bits: Our Top Recommended Postpartum Essentials


mum putting hot cold pack in freezer

Let's be honest, nobody really tells you about the aftermath of childbirth. Sure, there are the baby books and the birthing classes, but the real nitty-gritty of postpartum recovery? It's kind of glossed over. And let me tell you, my "down there" area felt like it had been through a war zone. It's common to experience perineal tearing, swelling, and even hemorrhoids after a vaginal birth. So, after experiencing it firsthand (twice!), I'm here to share the absolute essential Postpartum Products that saved my sore bits and helped me heal. Because, mama, you deserve comfort.

What to Expect Down There:

After a vaginal delivery, your body goes through a lot! Think of it like running a marathon – you're going to be sore. Perineal tearing (from minor tears to more significant ones) is common, as is swelling. Hemorrhoids can also pop up (or worsen) due to the pressure of pushing. It’s all perfectly normal, but definitely not comfortable.

Essential Products for Postpartum Recovery:

These are the products that became my best friends during those early postpartum weeks:

woman using perineal bottle
  • Perineal Bottle: This little squirt bottle is a lifesaver. Fill it with warm water and use it to gently cleanse the area after each bathroom visit. It's much gentler than wiping with toilet paper, especially if you have stitches. Our New Beginnings Perineal Wash Bottle offers comfortable and hygienic perineal care through its leak-free and pressure-controlled design. One of our reviewers, Tamara, wrote about her experience with the New Beginnings Perineal Wash Bottle, saying: 

“Perineal Wash Bottle - 100% essential post labour! It is an absolute essential during those first few weeks after labour. The product itself is a great size, making it easy to use. The spray was gentle but still hard enough to do its job. Highly recommend this perineal wash bottle.!”

  • Sitz Bath: A sitz bath is a shallow, warm bath specifically designed for your nether regions. It helps promote healing and provides pain relief. Add some Epsom salts for extra soothing power. If you don't have a sitz bath, you can use a regular bathtub with a few inches of warm water. Disposable sitz baths are also a convenient option.

  • Postpartum Pads: Stock up on a variety of absorbencies. You'll need heavier pads initially and can transition to lighter ones as bleeding decreases. Don't be afraid to buy the "granny pads" – comfort is key! Our New Beginnings Maternity Pads are made from bamboo; they offer the ultimate comfort and leakproof protection. Our reviewer, Amy W, has had a lot of success with the Maternity Pads, writing in:

“Hospital Bag Essential! I couldn’t get enough of these pads after birth! Their large size was incredible, but they were so comfortable that I never felt like I had a pillow between my legs, yet they managed to always catch all the mess! I used these alongside the New Beginnings Disposable Pants, the best combo!”

Postpartum Hot + Cold Packs: These can be a godsend. Cold packs help reduce swelling and numb the area, while warm packs can soothe sore muscles. Alternate between hot and cold for optimal relief. Try our New Beginnings Postpartum Hot + Cold packs for their dual-function therapy. The innovative colour-changing gel in these hot/cold packs indicates the temperature, turning white when hot and purple when cold, so you'll know when they're ready to provide effective relief.

woman using cold postpartum pack
  • Pain Relief: Don't suffer in silence! Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help manage pain. If necessary, talk to your doctor about prescription pain medication. A numbing spray like Dermoplast can also provide temporary relief.

  • Stool Softeners: Constipation is common after childbirth, especially after a C-section or with perineal stitches. Stool softeners are your best friend. Trust me on this one.

  • Comfortable Clothing: Loose-fitting, breathable clothing is essential. Think oversized sweatpants, dresses, or anything that doesn't rub or irritate the area. Sometimes, going commando is the most comfortable option.

  • Travelling Pillow: This was a game-changer for me! A soft pillow to sit on made a world of difference, especially in those early days when sitting was a challenge.

Tips for Postpartum Care:

  • Gentle Cleansing: Use your perineal bottle religiously after every bathroom trip. Pat the area dry gently with a soft towel or allow it to air dry.

  • Ice Packs: Apply ice packs to the perineal area for 10-20 minutes at a time, several times a day, to reduce swelling and pain.

  • Rest: Rest is crucial for healing. Avoid strenuous activity and accept help when offered. Your body has been through a lot!

  • Proper Positioning: Find comfortable positions for sitting and breastfeeding that don't put pressure on the perineal area. A nursing pillow can be a great help.

  • Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Eat a healthy diet rich in fibre to promote bowel regularity and healing.

woman holding baby

When to Seek Medical Attention:

While some discomfort is normal, certain signs warrant immediate medical attention:

  • Excessive bleeding (soaking more than one pad per hour)

  • Signs of infection (fever, chills, foul-smelling discharge)

  • Severe pain that isn't relieved by pain medication

  • Increased swelling or redness

  • Difficulty urinating or having a bowel movement

Postpartum recovery isn't glamorous, but it's a phase. These essentials helped me manage the discomfort and focus on what truly mattered: bonding with my new baby. So, to all the mamas out there, whether you're expecting, newly postpartum, or just remembering the trenches – you've got this. And remember, you're not alone in this journey. We're all in this together. For those recovering from a C-section, be sure to check out this helpful guide: Navigating Recovery After a C-Section.