Blogger Spotlight: Kayla Van Den Ham

Okay, we’ll admit it - we have a penchant for whimsical Instagram feeds featuring gorgeous family home-life. Anyone else? That’s why we’re enchanted by Kalya Van Den Ham’s Instagram journal - @dearestchildren.
On her feed, which is essentially a personal blog, she creates stunning portraits of her family with an overall aesthetic in neutral browns and whites that’s oh so Scandi chic - and reflects Kayla’s Nordic heritage. Not just about the visuals, Kayla also shares on her experiences raising three young boys - all under the age of five - and the trials and triumphs that come with parenting.
We sat down and chatted with Kayla about what inspired her feed, how she’s managing with her newborn, and what’s her favourite maternity wear following the birth of her youngest, Teddy. Here’s our quick interview.
We love your whimsical feed! Could you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to start @dearestchildren?
Ah thank you! I’ve always been a creative nut, love trying new things and challenging myself. I began our page after I started my business @awanderingwildflower - I took loads of product photos and enjoyed the styling side of it. So, Dearest Children became a creative outlet for me, styling and my boys!
It’s definitely a gorgeous creative outlet! You have a beautiful family. And we understand you've just added baby Teddy. Any tips you can pass on to our audience about managing baby no. 3?
Thank you! Teddy is such a little dream, he has fit right into our family so perfectly. He has definitely been my easiest baby so far! Biggest tip I have, and also need to remind myself of daily is let the house be messy, let the older children run amuck and be loud/crazy, and breathe when things seem overwhelming. Its chaos, but it’s beautiful chaos. Time is fleeting.
Such good advice. Now, we know you've tried out a few of New Beginnings Maternity bras - how have you found them?
Love them! I have actually never owned maternity bras, these are my first. I generally always went bralettes with my other children. So this is a lovely change and a comfortable one!
Finally, three words to sum up @dearestchildren?
Kind, calm, nurturing.
Thanks so much to Kayla for sitting down and chatting with us. Find more about Kayla and her family’s current adventures @dearestchildren on Instagram.