
Booble Blog: When does morning sickness end?

In this edition of Boogle Blog, we’re talking about ‘morning sickness’ - how you can stomach it and when you can expect this not-so-pleasant stage to end.

For many women, ‘morning sickness’ strikes at around the 6-8 week mark of pregnancy, and starts to ease off between weeks 12 and 14. But for some, it can hang around for much longer!

As you may have gathered if you’re currently experiencing morning sickness, it doesn't only hit us in the morning. Nope, this unpleasant pukey feeling can strike at any time of the day for any reason.

The good news? Morning sickness is very common, affecting around 80% of women and isn’t harmful to your baby. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all cure, there are a few things you can do to give yourself some relief.


We know this may sound crazy, but the more often you eat, the less time you’ll feel queasy. This is because low blood sugar plays a huge role in making us feel sick, along with surging hormones. So eating regularly throughout the day will certainly keep that nausea away.

Crackers! The saltier, the better

Saltine crackers are a classic upset stomach food, and work wonders for morning sickness. Try and keep some on you at all times, so if a wave of nausea strikes, you can quickly munch some down.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a well-known herbal stomach soother, and when sliced into hot water can help with an upset stomach. Try adding some honey to sweeten the deal.

Essential oils

Try exploring some pregnancy-safe essential oils. Lemon and peppermint are another natural remedy for an upset stomach.

Keep hydrated

Try adding lemon to your water and drink at least 8 glasses a day. If you’re actually vomiting in your pregnancy, get your hands on some hydralyte and sip! This stuff works magic when your body needs some extra TLC.

Snack-up your vitamins

Try eating a very light snack (e.g. crackers or a smoothie) before you take your prenatal vitamins to minimise any possible reaction.

If your morning sickness isn't letting up, let your doctor know. There are certain medications that can help you feel better, like vitamin B6 supplements and over-the-counter options such as doxylamine (Unisom). And if those don’t work, your health care provider can recommend prescription anti-nausea medications.

All you need to remember is this phase will pass. And at the end you’ll end up with a pretty cool prize - a baby!

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